5-Minute Gratitude Practice to start Manifesting Your Miracle!

Used to being able to achieve what you want in some areas, but that ONE thing just seems out of reach?

On the outside, life seems great, but there is still something missing.


After trying many approaches and nothing working, maybe you're wondering if this desire is even possible.


That big vision, WOW dream, or ambitious goal — it's not just possible. It is your destiny.

Start getting your mind right by downloading my free 5-minute gratitude practice!


It will help you shift perspective and finally have the tools to uplevel and manifest with ease.

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About Lana

Lana Shlafer is a mindset coach, podcast host of the Manifest That Miracle podcast and author of the book Manifest That Miracle: Learn Why You Don’t Have What You Want and How to Get It.


Over the past decade, she has empowered many clients and students to manifest what seems out of reach, including buying their dream home, healing from a chronic illness and meeting their ideal partner.


Countless people have participated in her Manifesting Challenges. Lana’s energetic personality and no holds barred coaching has been featured in Forbes, TVOne and NPR.


Lana studied at UC Berkeley and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. She lives in Puerto Rico with her amazing husband and three magical kids.

Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Lana Shlafer International